Seven Points of Mind Training

From Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving Kindness
By Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
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46 Ways in Which a Bodhisattva Fails

Thirty-Four Contradictions to Embodying Virtue

Contradictions to the Paramita of Generosity
        Contradictions to Generosity with Regard to Material Things
        1. Not offering to the three jewels
        2. Giving in to possessiveness

        Contradictions to the Generosity of Protection from Fear
        3. Not respecting more experienced people
        4. Not answering questions

        Those That Prevent the Generosity of Others
        5. Not accepting invitations as a guest
        6. Angrily refusing gifts

        Contradictions to Generosity with Regard to Dharma
        7. Not teaching the dharma to those who want it

Contradictions to the Paramita of Discipline
        Contradictions Mainly to Benefiting Others
        1. Rejecting those who do not keep their discipline
        2. Not developing learning, which inspires others' faith
        3. Making little effort for the benefit of sentient beings
        4. Not performing evil actions even though it is permitted when one
        has compassion and there is a need

        Contradictions Mainly to Benefiting Oneself
        5. Willingly taking up any of the five kinds of wrong livelihood
        6. Mindlessly indulging
        7. Due to desire and attachment, remaining in samsara

        Contradictions to Benefiting Both Oneself and Others
        8. Not preventing getting a bad reputation
        9. Not controlling the kleshas

Contradictions to the Paramita of Patience
        1. Not practicing the four dharmas of a practitioner
        (not returning curses for curses, anger for anger, blow for blow,
        or insult for insult)
        2. Not working peacefully with, but rejecting, people who are angry
        at you
        3. Refusing to accept another's apology
        4. Giving in to anger

Contradictions to the Paramita of Exertion
        1. Collecting followers for fame and fortune
        2. Not overcoming laziness and so forth
        3. Indulging in busyness and chatter

Contradictions to the Paramita of Meditation
        1. Not seeking instruction in samadhi
        2. Not abandoning obscurations to meditation
        3. Viewing the experience of meditation as good and being attached
        to it

Contradictions to the Paramita of Prajna
        Faults Related to Lesser Things
        1. Not respecting the shravakayana, and therefore rejecting it
        2. Having abandoned one's own tradition, the mahayana, exerting
        oneself in the shravakayana
        3. In the same way, studying non-Buddhist literature
        4. Although exerting oneself in the mahayana, preferring shravaka
        and non-Buddhist literature

        Faults related to Excellent Things
        5. Not taking interest in the distinctive features of mahayana
        6. Not seeking the holy dharma due to pride, laziness, and so forth
        7. Praising oneself and disparaging others
        8. Relying on the words rather than the meaning

Twelve Contradictions to Benefiting Sentient Beings

General Application
        1. Not helping those in need
        2. Not caring for the sick
        3. Not removing the suffering of others
        4. Not correcting those who are heedless

Specific Application
        Faults of Not Being Helpful
        1. Not repaying kindness
        2. Not removing the pain of others
        3. Not giving to those in need even though you can
        4. Not benefiting those around you
        5. Not acting in accord with the customs of others
        6. Not praising those who have good qualities

        Faults of Not Overpowering
        1. Not overpowering those on a perverted path
        2. Not taming with miracles and higher perceptions those who must
        be tamed in that way
Translated by the Nalanda Translation Committee from the compilation of Jamgon Kongtrul the Great in his "Treasury of Knowledge."